Doctors who have trained in internal medicine diagnose and manage a wide variety of medical conditions that affect patients 18 years and older. An internal medicine doctor, or internist, specializes in managing chronic illnesses and diseases involving various systems of the human body, including cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, circulatory, endocrine, rheumatologic, pulmonary, neurologic, etc. They do not confine themselves to one particular body system like a subspecialist does.
Comprehensive internal medicine
Every Park Primary Care internal medicine doctor is board-certified in internal medicine and has extensive experience in managing the health and well-being of older adults.
Our comprehensive internal medicine services involve Management Chronic disease Including:
- Diabetes and Ortho Endocrine Diseases
- Hypertension
- Cardiovascular
- Gastrointestinal
- Genito-urinary
- Skin Diseases
- Neurological Issues
- Musculoskeletal
- Geriatric and Dementia Care
If you are looking for an internal medicine doctor/internist, then Park Primary Care should be first on your list. We welcome patients from Cary, Raleigh, Morrisville, Wake Forest, Apex and neighboring locations.